Monday, October 25, 2010

Photo Shoot

Last Wednesday Barnes had his first photo shoot. We just got the photos back today and they turned out soooo cute! I don't know how I am going to choose which ones to get blown up! You can check out all the photos at and going to galleries/ordering. Here are a few to enjoy...


Barnes had his first photo-shoot on Wednesday and we can't wait to see how the photos turned out. He did so great! He slept through the first half hour - which is what we wanted. I wanted some of those sleeping baby photos when they are mostly naked. I took some photos this week. I couldn't resist putting him in his camo onesie and tiger print socks. One is never to early to "hunt tigers" - got to make sure he doesn't turn out to be a Clemson fan!

Well this weekend Barnes had several firsts. It was the first time we hosted anything since Barnes arrived. We had people over to watch the USC v. Vandy football game and Barnes got to meet a new friend, William (our friends Jimmy and Caroline's little boy).

Sunday Barnes went on his first "road trip" to Rock Hill to see some of LJ's extended family. Barnes got to meet his great-grandfather (LJ's maternal grandfather), and LJ's aunts and uncles. It was a big day - unfortunately for the family he slept through most of it. They did get to see him wake up and hold him right before we left.

We are looking forward to the USC v. Tenn football game and Halloween. Jeanette is coming to visit and I am planning on going to tailgate for the first time since Barnes arrived.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My little man

Yesterday, my friend Megan came to visit and brought us lunch. We love to have visitors!

Here is Barnes in one of his outfits from Ryan and Erin.

Here is Barnes on the couch after his bath.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

First Week without my mom

Well we made it! We have had a pretty good week considering my mom and dad left on Monday. LJ and I have survived!

Monday my friend Laura came down from Greenville and brought us lunch. Laura got to meet Barnes and we got to spend time visiting. It was great to have a visitor after my parents left. Having visitors and getting out of the house helped us get through the week.

Wednesday LJ's mom came to visit and gave me sometime to rest. Wednesday night LJ and I walked up the street and sat outside for pizza. Barnes really seems to enjoy going for walks and it was really nice for LJ and I to get out together.

Saturday we took Barnes to Amanda and Billy's for Billy's 30th Birthday and to watch the USC v Kentucky game. Not only did Barnes mess up his gameday outfit before we even got it to the party but we lost as well. Barnes has already experienced a big Gamecock high and a big Gamecock low.

Barnes also spent Saturday hanging with daddy on the couch...

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mom left today...

Well I knew today was coming but it definitely was a sad day at the Dragner house. My mom and dad flew home today. My mom has been here helping since the 30th and dad flew in last Thursday. We are all going to miss the help and support! I had no idea how emotional our first week at home would be. I normally don't stress about much but bringing home Barnes and adjusting to a "new reality" has been stressful and an adventure. I don't know how we would have done it without all of the help from my mom. She cleaned, took the night shift, and let me cry on her shoulder and when Dad arrived he jumped right in to help too. Thanks again GiGi and Pops!

Last Friday my Aunt Judy and Uncle John were able to come down and meet Barnes and visit with Mom and Dad. I know my dad enjoyed seeing his sister and we were so glad that they could meet Barnes.

We had a great weekend! We cheered on the Gamecocks in their win over Alabama! We took a walk on Friday around the block and yesterday we all took a walk and went to Publix for subs.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

1 week old yesterday

Barnes was one week old yesterday. I can't believe it! We tried to take a few photos. The one I posted looks like he has red hair - he doesn't - it is light brown.

Quick update: we are done with all of the jaundice equipment and don't have to go back to the doctor till has two week appointment next Wednesday. He isn't wanting to sleep in his crib much but we keep trying. This morning we are playing a lullaby CD that he seems to like. I just keep praying that I will find out what works for him. My mother is still here (till Monday) and we are all so thankful for all of her help. My dad flys in today to meet Barnes.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


We are adjustiing to being at home...

We started our adventure on Wednesday morning at the hospital for our scheduled induction. We got there around 6am and they started the pitocin around 7:30am. Our doctor arrived at 9am and broke my water. At that point I was about 2 or 3 cm. By 9:30 am I was about 6 cm and wanted to go ahead and get the epidural. It was about 10:15am when I got the epidural and by 10:40am I was 10 cm and pushing. We pushed and pushed and pushed some more! LJ was definitely more involved than he had planned! Later he told me that he felt a little queasy at first but he got over it quickly when the nurses put him to work. LJ was running to get cool wash clothes for my face, getting ice chips, encouraging me, and even letting me push against him with one of my feet. After taking a 30 min break and recharging - Barnes arrived at 2:17pm.

Louis Barnitz "Barnes" was 8lbs 2 oz and 20 and 3/4 inches long. He is BEAUTIFUL!! We had a wonderful experience at the hospital but we are glad to be at home. Unfortunately his Bilirubin was a little high which indicates that is has jaundice (partly because of the bruise on his head that he got during birth) and we had to go back to the doctor on Saturday.

Saturday his bilirubin had gone up and they put him on the biliblanket. He looks like a little glow worm! We had to go back to the doctor today and it had gone up again so we are getting a bilibead. We aren't exactly sure what this involves. We are going back to the doctor tomorrow for another follow-up and are hopeful that things improve. He also seems to have his days and nights mixed up so things are crazy but LJ and I are so thankful that my mom (GiGi) is here to help! I am not sure what we would do without her.

I will try to keep everyone posted.

LJ was in a wedding on Saturday and I couldn't resist taking a picture of him and Barnes. Barnes has his biliblanket on.