Sunday, January 23, 2011

Barnes' Baptism

Last weekend my parents flew in town for Barnes' Baptism. Poor little guy was sick all weekend - he was so fussy! and just not himself. LJ took him to the doctor on Monday and found out he had a double ear infection. He has been on antibiotics all week and seems to be doing much better! He went back to daycare on Tuesday after his 4 day weekend.

He did make it to church to get baptized and did great! He wore my dad's christening gown and was adorable. He fell asleep during church and all the photos afterwards he slept through. So, today I put him back in the gown and took some photos. I thought he was going to be too big for the gown (the neck is sooo small) but he fit and we just left the button around the neck unbuttoned.

We had a really nice weekend with my parents considering Barnes' felt so bad. He really started feeling bad on Saturday morning while LJ was at work and I was at a baby shower - poor mom and dad got stuck with a pretty fussy little guy! We were able to go out to dinner Friday night and had a babysitter. LJ and I finally made it to Divino's - great food and great atmosphere!

We are headed back to the doctor on Thursday to follow-up from the ear infection and have his 4 month well visit.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowed In

So LJ, Barnes and I spent Monday and Tuesday of this week snowed in! Barnes isn't the age where he can go outside and play but we at least went outside for one picture!

Since we spent most of our time inside I finally got around to taking down the Christmas decorations, catching up on laundry, and relaxing with LJ. I had high hopes of getting more done (isn't that always the case).

I wish that I had taken more pictures but with Barnes' cough I didn't want him outside.

So with extra time - I took more pictures!!!

There aren't many pictures of Barnes and me. I am usually behind the camera!!

LJ and Barnes watching football - last week!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

3 months

We took some photos of Barnes on Wednesday - he was 3 months!

Barnes is growing fast...
*12.6 lbs on December 22nd
*Laughing out loud! (We never know what will make him laugh!)
*Found his hands - he loves to stare at them and put them in his mouth
*Loves looking up at anything: his mobile, his swing, the fan, his play mat
*Smiles - A lot! especially when you talk to him and make noises
*Recognizes mommy and daddy - so fun to see him smile when he sees us
*Wakes up once during the night (up for about 25 min so can't complain)
*Can move all over while swaddled - not sure how he does it but we swaddle him at night and he still can move down the crib and to the bumper if he tries

Baby's First Christmas

Christmas came and went so fast! The weekend before Christmas (Dec 17th) LJ and I celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary. We were so fortunate to have my mother in town to keep Barnes. LJ and I went to dinner and met some friends for a few drinks. It was pretty low key but so nice to have a quite dinner with LJ. We don't do it often enough these days.

Saturday the 18th our friends Jennifer and Drew got married. LJ and I took a few photos that I had hoped to use as Christmas cards but that hasn't happened. Sunday LJ ended up with the stomach virus and my mom didn't feel well so my plans of getting "a lot done" went out the window. Barnes and I did enjoy a day together. I ended up with the stomach virus on Wednesday - yuck! The only upside was shedding a few extra pounds! Barnes was still pretty congested so LJ took him to the doctor and Barnes was started on antibiotics to prevent an ear infection. The combination of the antibiotics, humidifier, elevating the bed, and saline drops seems to have done the trick.

Taking photos with Barnes before we went to the wedding.

The girls at Jennifer's wedding!

Needless to say I did not get all of the baking and decorating I wanted to get done for the holidays. We did get the house cleaned for our house guests on Christmas Eve. We had 3 couples over after church - it was fun to spend Christmas with some of our good friends. LJ, Barnes and I spent our first Christmas at our house. LJ and I stayed up and put Barnes' play mat together that he got for Christmas and we spent Christmas morning just relaxing before going up to Rock Hill Christmas Day afternoon. Barnes met LJ's friend Will and his mom - we stopped by to visit them before heading to LJ's sisters for dinner.

LJ and Will with Barnes.

We spent Christmas Day evening at LJ's sisters with their family. We exchanged gifts and ate and then headed home!

Katie, Lillyann, LJ and Barnes. (First photo of Barnes with his cousin Lillyann)

Barnes is growing so fast. He has officially found his hands and can't get enough of them!!!