Yesterday Barnes was 11 months! I can't believe how big he has gotten and how independent he wants to be.
*still only 2 teeth
*eats EVERYTHING...avocados, artichokes, asparagus, apples, bananas, blacked eyed peas, broccoli, bread, cauliflower, chicken, spinach, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, and the list goes on
*drinks to 2 bottles one at night and one in the morning and drinks from a sippee cup during the day
*feeds himself food, bottle, sippee cup, and even a REGULAR CUP he can drink out of himself
*not walking but crawling like a maniac, pulling up and cruising around
*starting to really mimic our facial expressions and will do an action on command
*easily entertained with spoons, balls, paper plates, and boxes
*loves to cruise around with a musical toy that he can push and hold on to
*"plays" with Bailey
*still in mostly 12 month clothes
Barnes - we can't believe how blessed we are to have a happy healthy baby that makes us laugh and smile everyday!