Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August Adventures

Quick Recap the past month:

*the end of July we went to the Farmers Market in Columbia. The first time Barnes slept through the whole thing! So, this time we got a few shots of him. I think the only thing we bought was jalepeno peppers for my famous Texas Rockets!

We also went to visit David, Libby, and Walker. LJ hadn't gotten to see the Adamson's in a while and I know that they wanted to see Barnes. I wish I had taken more photos!

Oh Barnes - I just love this little guy! He makes my heart melt.

$8.00 sippee cups! and Mom thoughts

Really Barnes? You need an $8 dollar sippee cup? So, getting Barnes to drink out of a sippee cup hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be. We have found one but that is the ONLY one that he will drink out of.

For those of you who don't know I read about EVERYTHING when it comes to my baby. When to do what and how to do it?? I have read several books that I consult and usually make a phone call to the pediatrician, talk to the daycare ladies, and consult another mom. I know! It is CRAZY!!! I admit - I get obsessed! But I am terrified of "bad habits" - I am determined that I will not be the cause. Therefore, as stated specifically in the book What to Expect the First Year, I introduced a regular cup first. I thought it made since so that is what I did. I didn't talk with daycare who of course doesn't allow regular cups. So Barnes easily drank out of a regular cup before he finally mastered the sipppee cup.

So, I also do not let Barnes drink juice. People think I am crazy! Okay so some of these people do not have kids and aren't what I would call the most healthy. My thought process I feel is not flawed. I once heard a mother say that her daughter would only drink juice and not milk out of a sippee cup. So, I talked with several moms and the pediatrician who have said he doesn't need juice. He gets plenty of fruit and drinks water. So, I have decided not to introduce juice until we have successfully transitioned to drinking milk (or soy milk) out of sippee cup.

Somehow there are certain things that I retain and never forget. I once heard a mom say that she swears by The Baby Whisper...so I looked into it. I have used the book alot while consulting other books and the pediatrician. I feel like it is such a great balance between other books that I have heard about. Now, I know that there are so many parents who swear by Baby Wise but from some of the reviews I read it seemed a little harsh. I never let Barnes cry it out - never had to! I still just lay him down and he goes to sleep on his own.

11 months....

Yesterday Barnes was 11 months! I can't believe how big he has gotten and how independent he wants to be.

*still only 2 teeth
*eats EVERYTHING...avocados, artichokes, asparagus, apples, bananas, blacked eyed peas, broccoli, bread, cauliflower, chicken, spinach, potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes, and the list goes on
*drinks to 2 bottles one at night and one in the morning and drinks from a sippee cup during the day
*feeds himself food, bottle, sippee cup, and even a REGULAR CUP he can drink out of himself
*not walking but crawling like a maniac, pulling up and cruising around
*starting to really mimic our facial expressions and will do an action on command
*easily entertained with spoons, balls, paper plates, and boxes
*loves to cruise around with a musical toy that he can push and hold on to
*"plays" with Bailey
*still in mostly 12 month clothes

Barnes - we can't believe how blessed we are to have a happy healthy baby that makes us laugh and smile everyday!