So, I am a little behind on posting. Barnes was 4 months on January 29th. We went to the doctor the day before and Barnes weighed 12lbs and 11oz and was 25 inches long, head circumference - 16 1/2 inches(the doctor said he probably lost some weight because of his double ear infection). LJ took Barnes back to the doctor yesterday to check his ears (he had another ear infection)and he was 14lbs 6ozs. He has gained quite a bit in the last 2 weeks!
Barnes is growing fast! He actually rolled over for the first time on Jan 29th - but I missed it. I had put him on his play mat on his stomach - walked out and came back in and he was on his back!
We have also started trying some rice cereal - he hasn't quite gotten the hang of it but seems interested. We are trying it off and on.
Barnes has yet to sleep through the night - he usually wakes up once to eat and goes right back to sleep. We officially stopped swaddling altogether this week. He still goes down very easily - he often doesn't make it through an entire book!
Barnes still loves to look up at his mobile and play mat. He loves to stand up on you while you hold his hands. He is making more noises and loves to move around! I can put him down in his crib one way and he will end up turning himself so his head is against one rail and feet against the other!
Nashville 40th
4 years ago
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